Thursday, January 1, 2009

Seasons / Reasons

As i begin this new year I've been reflecting on those relationships past and present that have changed,come and gone in my life over this year. I've always believed that people (relationships) come and go and change in our life for very specific periods of time and for very specific reasons (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Whatever the season of life, attitude makes all the difference and letting go as relationships change is perhaps the most difficult adjustment I've had to make over the years. Perhaps it's an age thing ??? Perhaps we all struggle with our changing relationships ? Don't fear these seasons and changing relationships for God knows what is necessary to mold us to be more like His son.God chooses and God changes the seasons based on three factors: What will bring Him the greatest glory and you the greatest good right now and you the greatest growth. In each season and relationship you need God in a little different way so you get to see and experience a different part of Him that you haven't experienced before. It's part of a lifetime of knowing God better and better.


Anonymous said...

amen ... great post.

Kristyn Knits said...

wise words