Sunday, April 5, 2009

Watch Out For The Birds !

After church today I drove to Salem, Ohio to spend the afternoon with my Aunt and Uncle. Fred and Ruth Robb were in church ministry for many years and now reside in a assisted living home in Salem, not far from the last church they served. After arriving around 1:15 pm, I was greeted by both of them as they were waiting for one of their seven girls to arrive for a visit. Today found both of them in good spirits. After a short visit inside, Uncle Fred decided that it would be nice if we went outside to get some fresh air and enjoy the sunshine. Although the air was a little cool the sunshine made up for the coolness and provided for a very pleasant temperature. Uncle Fred is pictured here with a lawn decoration left over from a Easter egg hunt yesterday. He ask that I take the picture and send it to one of their girls, telling her that this was proof that they have really big birds in their part of Ohio.


mark said...

absolutely priceless! a rich spiritual, and humor heritage we have. thanks for sharing your visit.

Kristyn Knits said...

I love and admire your family dedication!