Friday, June 6, 2008

on the road again - broken glass, just broken glass

today finds me setting comfortably in a rocking chair in the charlotte nc airport watching the planes and people come and go. it's 6:30 pm and my flight doesn't leave until 8:30 so i thought i'd blog for a moment. i received a call from my daughter earlier in the day while i was at work at our wilson plant. it was one of those calls ...... the type of call that makes a parent wish that they were closer to their child. it seems that sometime during the wee hours of the morning thieves smashed out the front windshields of a few of the cars at the apartment complex where she lives. yep ..... you guessed it ..... my daughters windshield was smashed and her gps devise was taken. the man's car next to her's was also one of those broken into, and his gps was also taken. setting here reflecting on what happened and what might have happened, i thank the Lord for his watch care over my daughter. after contacting the insurance company the glass was replaced within a few hours. broken glass ..... just broken glass. thank you Lord for the broken glass in our lives and remind us of how your always there to repair what was broken.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Woh...what a incident of car accident.But the windsheiid of car can be replaced and repair by different service provider.One of them is Auto Glass Of America.

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